11 Journal Prompts To Help You Get Clear On What You Desire


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Getting clear on what you desire is an important first step in manifestation.

By knowing exactly what it is you desire, you know specifically what to ask the Universe for and, in turn, the Universe knows exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve. It can then introduce the specific ideas, situations, people, or things to help you get there.

On the contrary, it is difficult for the Universe to help you get where you’re trying to go if you only have a vague idea of what you truly desire – if you don’t know what you want, how is the Universe supposed to know either?

The best way I’ve found to explore my thoughts and emotions around what I truly desire is through journaling. When I realize that I’m currently not clear on what I desire, I turn to the journal prompts laid out below to help me find clarity.

Start By Overcoming Resistance

When you first decide you want to get clear on what you desire, you may feel some initial resistance. For me, even though I knew how important it was to get clear on my desires, I continued to put it off week after week.

I finally decided to sit down and journal to try to uncover why I continued to put it off. After a bit of writing, I realized it was because I felt that I had to come up with a definitive list of all I desired both now and in the future and felt that this was my only chance to ask for what I wanted.

I also realized I was afraid to choose the wrong desires, because they may put me on the wrong path. 

I continued to journal to explore these points of resistance.

As I wrote, I realized that my first thoughts around trying to create an exhaustive list stemmed from a place of lack – why did I think this was my only opportunity to ask for what I desire? Why did I believe I had to choose one thing I wanted then never manifest again?

I pushed myself to question this narrative and reflected on all the things I’ve wanted over the course of my life and how they’ve changed over time, and how I continue to be able to manifest even as my desires evolve.

Through this exercise I reached a new conclusion: Each time I’ve decided I’ve wanted something different in my life, the Universe has pivoted with me and continued to support me every step of the way.

I next turned to the fear I had identified that I may choose the “wrong” desires that would lead me down a path different than the one I truly wanted.

As I started to explore this fear, I realized that it stemmed from a desire to have complete control over everything in my life to avoid anything going wrong. This tight gripped control also stemmed from a place of lack and did not reflect my trust in the Universe that things happen for a reason.

As I wrote I came to this realization, quoted directly from my journal:

“Everything is an opportunity to learn – if I don’t like what I thought I was going to like that is okay! I now know that and by trying I’m now able to pivot in a new direction versus waiting and wondering and doing nothing.”

Through my journaling I was able to remember that the best way to know what I want is to actually do things! I may try something and realize it’s not for me, and that’s okay. And if I set off down the wrong path it was for a reason, whether to help me learn what I don’t want or to teach me another lesson.   

Both of these fears that I identified through my journaling aren’t the only ways resistance may present itself.

Sometimes we can feel resistance to asking for what we desire because we don’t feel we deserve to receive what we want, or don’t feel we’ll be able to have what we desire. Other times our limiting subconscious beliefs tell us that it’s too difficult to get what we desire, or that we’ll change who we are as individuals (potentially for the worse) once we receive what we’ve asked for. 

As you identify what your resistance looks like, continue to ask probing questions to understand where it is coming from and see if you can work through it.

Here are some journal prompts to help you explore these thoughts and overcome any resistance you may feel to getting clear on what you desire:

  1. What is holding me back from asking for what I desire?

  2. What resistance do I feel to getting clear on what I desire? Why do I feel this way?

  3. Why do I feel I don’t deserve to receive what I desire? Are there any reasons to support why I do deserve to receive what I want?

  4. Why do I feel I won’t be able to manifest what I desire? Can I think of any evidence to support why I might be able to manifest these things?

  5. What limiting beliefs am I holding onto relating to manifestation or my desires?

Free Write To Explore What You Desire

Once you’ve gotten yourself to a place where you feel open and ready to explore what you desire, the next step is to start free writing in your journal. How you write is up to you – you could make a bulleted list of things you want as they pop into your mind or start writing free hand and see what comes out.

Don’t censor or judge what you’re writing, just let it flow onto the paper.

As you’re writing, you may start to write about things you thought you should want but realize you don’t actually want. That is okay! You can tweak and modify your list as many times as you want, and once it’s written that doesn’t mean it’s locked in for good. The important first step is just getting it down on paper.

Here are some prompts to help you come up with your list:

  1. What does my ideal day look like?

  2. If I already had all the money I desire, what would I do with my time?

  3. Why do I desire to be? What do I desire to do? What do I desire to have?

  4. What did I used to dream about being/doing/having before I let others tell me it wasn’t possible?

  5. If I had a magic genie who could grant me unlimited wishes, what would I ask for?

  6. What are the main things I want out of my life in each of the following categories: love/relationships, money, health (mental and physical), family, career/work, travel? (Note: it’s okay to not want something in every category, these are just meant to help spark new thoughts and ideas.)

At the end of each prompt, ask yourself “what else.” Push yourself to explore beyond what you’ve previously thought possible and allow yourself to think about what you want – not what your friends/partner/parents/society wants, but what will truly bring you joy.

Now that you’re clear on what you desire, you can start focusing on these desires and taking action to bring them into your reality. Continue to focus on your desires by scripting about them and creating a vision board, then pay attention to signs from the Universe that let you know you’re on track towards manifesting each into your reality.




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