The Key To Attracting More Money Into Your Life


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I am making more money than I ever have in my life because of this simple practice.

Growing up, I was taught to always save – I clipped coupons and thought twice before making each purchase to make sure it was what I really wanted, because I grew up learning that “money doesn’t grow on trees”. I could save or spend, but not both. I had to choose, and if there was every any doubt, the correct decision was to save.

I lived in a constant state of worry that I would run out of money, feeling guilty each time I chose to eat out or buy a new piece of clothing.

I worked hard, and believed the only way to make more money was to continue pushing myself to work harder. 

I’m thankful for all of these beliefs my parents taught me as they got me to where I am today, but in recent years I’ve learned there’s more to having money than simply working hard then setting aside part of my paycheck and refusing to spend it.

In fact, by tuning into the energy of money and rewriting my limiting beliefs about money, I’ve been able to attract more into my life, which has allowed me to both save and spend even more (without necessarily working harder!).

The key to all of this? Focusing on having all the money I desire in my life right now, in this very moment.

Regardless of your current state, you must imagine that you already have the money you desire.

The Law of Attraction says that we will attract whatever it is that we focus on, and if we focus on how we don’t have the money we desire right now, we will continue to attract more of that same exact situation into our reality.

Within the last year, I’ve gone from no money in my bank account to six figure income plus savings and equity, all by shifting my focus. As soon as I started believing that I already had the money I desired, my current job appeared out of seemingly nowhere.

I didn’t know how the money would come to me, I just knew that it would. And that was when my new job appeared, offering to pay me more than any other job I’d ever held in my life. Since starting that job 6 months ago, I’ve had 2 upward adjustments in my pay.

As soon as I shifted my focus to already having the money I desired, the job appeared.

And by continuing to focus on having even more, more continues to appear.

It appears in both expected ways (paychecks, reimbursement for expenses, credit card points, business income) and unexpected ways (large tax refunds, store coupons, offers to stay at a friend’s apartment instead of needing to book a hotel).

Don’t get me wrong: this isn’t necessarily “easy”. It requires dedication and a commitment to achieving what you desire.

It’s not a box you can check off and move on with your life, but rather a new way of living that you nurture every day.

To help bring this shift into your life, here is the simple routine I follow each morning to make sure I’m taking time each day to focus on my relationship with money:


Each morning I start my day with a meditation. Some days I will sit for 5 minutes, others for 20. The length of time doesn’t matter, but rather the consistency of allowing your mind to calm and make space for new energy. I focus on my breath, and allow myself to sit with any thoughts that arise as I breathe.

As I am nearing the end of my meditation, or for a few moments after my timer tells me my time is up, I take a few more breaths with my eyes closed and start to picture physical money flowing to me and then stacking all around me. I visualize stacks of gold coins piling up around me, adding new stacks of coins as I work my way clockwise around my entire body.

I watch the coins start to stack, and feel myself smiling as I realize they are all already mine.


Right after meditating, I start to journal. Some days I start with listing things I’m grateful for, other days I recap what’s been happening in my life, and some days I script for upcoming day or about something I’d like to attract into my life. I allow myself to write about whatever feels right without forcing any one topic.

Once I feel I’ve covered everything I’d like to write about for the day, I turn my attention to my relationship with money. In a new paragraph, I start to write money mantras that pop into my head, about how I love money and it is safe to be rich.

I write about how money flows to me easily in expected and unexpected ways, and how I always have more than enough.

After I’ve written all of the money mantras that I can think of, I turn to my Money Affirmation Cards and pull a few more to write in my journal.

As I write each mantra, I feel into the emotions I would feel if each mantra were already true. I picture myself calm and abundant, surrounded by all that I desire.

The more you start to incorporate these practices into your day to day routine, the sooner you’ll start to notice a shift in your reality. Every day I am still in awe that I’ve been able to create this life for myself, and know that even more of what I desire is on its way to me in this very moment.

As you start your work on fostering your relationship with money, I challenge you to focus on this one key question:

How would you feel if you already had all the money you desire?

Let yourself feel into all of the emotions that arise with that question. The excitement, the I’m-almost-in-tears-because-this-is-surreal feeling, the calm and ease that comes with being able to afford everything you need and more. Even the fear.

It’s all part of the key to unlocking the flow of money to you.

Get into the routine and focus on feeling as though you already have what you desire, and then watch for signs, opportunities, and money as they all start to flow with ease into your life.

Need some help staying consistent with your practice? Check out our money manifestation tools:




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